Ok, it starts off like this, I won a contest that Tattoos.com was having promoting its now non-existant email accounts. To be entered in the contest all you had to do was sign up for an email address with them and at a later date they randomly picked a name to give away a $1000 tattoo from Paul Booth. Well, when I checked my email the day they said they would announce the winner I found out that I had won the contest. Paul as most people know is unbelievable at his black and grey work and has the most unbelievable imagination when it comes to dark, evil and demented things. Well after being patient for almost a year and a half I finally got a call from Last Rites Tattoo (which is the shop Paul owns) to set up an appointment. I traveled to New York City a few weeks later to go to Last Rites and get my tattoo. I told Paul what I was interested in getting and he drew up the tattoo that you see in these pictures, it took 5 hours to do. The tattoo is unbelievable and I am extremely happy with it. Thanks Paul!