Very shortly this site will be moved back to a free tripod account and will no longer be updated by me due to problems I am having in my personal life. Allow me to thank the thousands of people who have come to visit my site and also to say that I am sorry I cannot afford to keep the site going anymore. Its been a fun... ··÷^±/Êddîè\±^÷··
If your into tattoos and want to support a website like this, drop me a dollar or two.
* Please feel free to send in your tattoo pictures for others to see! *Please send pics as an attatchment Click To Send Pictures
There is only a few left and the price has been lowered to get rid of them so anyone interested in mousepads can now purchase them online! The price is $6 each and shipping/handling is included. While supplies last free stickers will be included. See picture below.