I am not a doctor and I am just trying to let peole know some options they have if they are interested in removing a tattoo. Please speak to a doctor to find out more about removing tattoos. Removing tattoos is a very expensive process due to cost of office visits to your doctor and what the procedures cost, also a tattoo usually will not be removed in one visit so all of the repeat visits end up costing more and more money. One possible alternative to keep costs down is to get one or two treatments of laser tattoo removal to fade the tattoo then to have another tattoo put over it to cover it up.
The most common question that I get over and over again about tattoo removal seems to be "Can't you just use skin colored tattoo ink to cover a tattoo?" The answer to that question is a big NO. A lighter tattoo ink will be absorbed by a darker tattoo ink and will not cover it up. Now lets discuss effective ways to remove tattoos.
There are several methods for removing tattoos which are very effective, however, I am only going to tell you about a few that sound the most affective and leave the least scarring. In most cases, some scarring or color variations remain. The noticeable of these variations depend upon several factors including size, location, the individual's healing process, how the tattoo was applied, and length of time it's been on the skin. Also, a tattoo performed by an experienced professional tattoo artist, for example, may be easier to remove since the pigment is evenly injected in the same level of the skin. A tattoo that has been there for a considerable length of time may be more difficult to remove than a new one.
In recent times, many physicians consider laser surgery one of the best methods of tattoo removal and most tattoo artist you ask will tell you the same. If necessary, a cream to numb the skin can be applied prior to the treatment. Pulses of light from the laser are directed onto the tattoo breaking up the tattoo pigment. Over the next several weeks the body's scavenger cells remove the treated pigmented areas. More then one treatment is usually necessary to remove all of the tattoo.
Another method of tattoo removal is called dermabrasion in which a small portion of the tattoo is sprayed with a solution that freezes the area. The tattoo is then "sanded" with a rotary abrasive instrument causing the skin to peel. Because some bleeding is likely to occur, a dressing is immediately applied to the area.
No matter which method of tattoo removal is used, some scarring or color variations are likely to remain. Healing time varies depending upon the size and depth of the tattoo, the procedure used and the patient's healing process. It is important for the patient to discuss with the physician the various procedures, how they are performed, and the probable results. Care of the treated area must also be discussed.