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First, an apprenticeship is pretty much the only way to learn how to tattoo. I know most people think they will teach
themselves how to tattoo or read some book or see some video and they will be able to tattoo, thats not the case. Those
videos and books are only out there to make someone else money and they couldn't care less if you actually learned anything
from them. Without proper training you could end up hurting someone badly, even yourself. Tattooing is almost a type of
surgery and I am sure you wouldn't want one of your friends who had no training to perform surgery on you. While
apprenticing you will learn how to tattoo and about blood born dieseases and how to protect your clients and yourself.
Many states now have laws that say you need to apprentice for so many hours under a tattoo artist and require you to attend
seminars about diesease control. That is why the only way to learn to tattoo would be to apprentice under a reputable
tattoo studio.